Question of the month - August '23
- A close relative becomes acutely in need of care
- Antitlement to short-term leave from work up to a maximum of 10 days
- plus entitlement to care support allowance
- Inform yourself in the local care advice centers
Are there cures specifically for family caregivers?
- There is a legal entitlement to a spa cure for family caregivers.
- A cure counseling center advises and assists with the application process.
- There are special offers also for people with dementia.
Why is the care money late in arriving at the account?
Question of the month - October
In progress...
Granny has fun with flowers
Text in image with text Paragraph - This font size is defined as default (stage)
No formatting has been applied. Font size here is 10
Line spacing is high in this default setting. perhaps plain language was applied here?
That would be incorrect, of course.
Lore ipsum and tralala